Memory of Russia: The Military-Historical festival in the Volgograd region

19 July 2014

In the Volgograd region on 19-20 July 2014 is held the 2nd International Festival of Military History "We cannot win without Stalingrad!". It is supported by the Volgograd regional branch of the Russian military-historical society and museum "Battle of Stalingrad" in Ilovlya area and is timed to the anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

In the picturesque steppe near the village Shirokov will be recreated a rural settlement of the early 40s, as well as equipped timbered dugouts and concrete gun emplacements position, the radio nodes and a field hospital. Participants of military-historical clubs remodel fighting that took place in the Volgograd region during the Great Patriotic War. It will be involved a large amount of military equipment during the World War II - tanks, artillery guns, cars and motorcycles. It is planned that the reconstruction of the fight will be attended by two tanks T-34/85, T-60, a German armored Demag, as well as several Soviet and German guns. The organizers of the festival were military history club "Infantryman", a united organization of cultural events and the Administration of the Ilovlya region of the Volgograd region.