Culture and church: Frescoes of pre-Mongolian period are found during the reconstruction of the S. George’s Monastery near Novgorod

14 July 2014
Source: Interfax

In the St. George’s Monastery near Novgorod during the restoration are found fragments of the pre-Mongolian period. 

According to a representative of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve, the fragments of the pre-Mongolian frescoes with graffiti (ancient inscriptions and drawings, made by sharp objects on the walls of the buildings) were found by opening temples’ floors. We are talking of a few dozen square meters of monumental painting.  After examining the frescoes it is supposed to collect a composition.  

The research in the temple for the second year is held by the architectural and archaeological squad of the Novgorod archaeological expedition. The works are managed by member-correspondent of the RAS, doctor of Arts Vladimir Sedov. Similar studies have not been conducted at least 70 years. Due to large amount of work they can be completed only on 2015.

St. George’s Monastery is located near Veliky Novgorod, on the Volkhov River, with its headwaters from the Lake Ilmen. It is the oldest orthodox monastery in modern Russia. Currently here is located a residence of Metropolitan of Novgorod and Staraya Russa Leo and the Novgorod Spiritual School.