The State Duma: Cities of Russia, contributed to the Victory working in the rear, will receive the honorary title

9 July 2014

In the State Duma it was introduced a bill on the honorary title “Political, administrative and economic center of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War”.

According to the document, the title is assigned to the cities of the Russian Federation, on the territories of which during the Great Patriotic War was created a selfless rear of the workers to ensure the Victory by working in political and administrative fields, in the management of the national economic of the USSR. 

The conditions and the order of assigning to the cities of the Russian Federation of such a title will be determined by President of Russia.

“On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory on the Great Patriotic War it will be fairly along with military men, participating in the battles of the Great Patriotic War, to perpetuate the memory of the cities, the population of which during the Great Patriotic War made a significant contribution for the Victory”, - said the authors of the document.

Based on the history of the Great Patriotic War, this honorary title may be assigned to Moscow and Samara. At discretion of the head of state other cities may also be awarded. 

In the draft is stated that that in the city, awarded the title “Political, administrative and economic center of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War”, will be installed a stele with the emblem of the city and the text of the decree by the President of Russia on the awarding the title to the city.