Exhibitions: The exhibition, dedicated to the essays ‘Russian aeronautics. History and success” opened

9 July 2014

The K. E. Tsiolkovsky State Museum of Cosmonautics opened an exhibition dedicated to the essay "Russian aeronautics. History and success" (1911). It is the joint work of many specialists edited by prominent people in the field of aeronautics and aviation N. A. Rynin and N. F. Naydenov.

The exhibition presents the first edition of essays "Russian aeronautics. History and successes" (1911), a number of documents illustrating the history of the essays. Over the years, N. A. Rynin and N. F. Naydenov collected materials about the structure of the aircraft and their creators, on flights, analyzed and systematized collected sources. The edition of essays was implemented by Partnership "Public use". Large number of drawings, color widescreen pictures, neatly laid tracing paper thin, made ​​it highly artistic edition. Today it is a rarity.

"It is significant that the fate of this edition surprisingly intertwined with the fate of workers in the Russian aeronautics scientists, advocates ideas, editors on the subject", - said the author of the exhibition, head of scientific-methodological department of the museum E. V. Arkhiptsev. That is why in the exposition is included a selection of magazines on aeronautics (published 1910 - 1912), books of aircraft engineer, aviation and aeronautics historian K. E. Veygelin published in 1911 - 1913, the seventh edition of the encyclopedia on space "Interplanetary Navigation" edited by N A. Rynin - Interplanetary Navigation: Russian inventor and scientist Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky. His biography, works and success. - L., 1931. Thus, visitors can learn about the development of the theme of air flights and flights in the vacuum of space in the first third of the XX century.

The exhibition will run until October 11, 2014.