Russian language and society: The III International forum “Russian language and Russian culture – the basis of mutual understanding and constructive cooperation”
From June 28 to July 2, 2014 in Sofia (Bulgaria) took place the III International Forum "Russian language and Russian culture - the basis of mutual understanding and constructive cooperation" with the participation of Russia, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Latvia and Ukraine. In total, the forum was attended by 207 people, including librarians, directors of kindergartens and schools, teachers and trainers, experts, university professors, the Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria, representatives of educational authorities and international NGOs.
The main objectives of the forum:
- Familiarity with innovative approaches for improving the work of a librarian in a multicultural environment; search for ways to strengthen the position of the Russian language and culture in the modern world and the establishment of constructive cooperation in this field;
- Exchange of experience and practical experience in the techniques of RFL in kindergarten, school and university.
The forum was held as part of the International project of the Municipal cultural institution “Capital Library” and the Russkiy Mir Foundation.