Russian language and society: Problems of linguistic and cultural diversity discussed in Yakutsk

7 July 2014

July 4 in Yakutsk is completed the III International Conference "Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace". It was attended by 50 countries. The conference was held under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO "Information for All".

Greetings to the conference were sent by Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Culture Gregory Ivliev: "The theme of the conference is extremely important for the whole world, because currently many languages​​ as well as the culture of entire peoples are threatened with extinction. Language - is the greatest wealth of mankind, with the help of historical experience that transfers social and cultural traditions. It is a means of self-expression and self-identification, a great value for the people who owns it. The problem of preserving linguistic and cultural diversity is particularly relevant for all multinational states, including Russia and the territory inhabited by over 100 indigenous peoples, preserving their language and unique culture".

The conference program includes a plenary session and sections - "ICTs for the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace", "Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Cyberspace: socio cultural aspect", "Safeguarding the linguistic and cultural diversity: national vision and national experience", "Education for the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity in cyberspace".