Information technology and libraries: The test access to the information portal provided at the Russian State Library

4 July 2014

For readers of the Russian State Library is provided a test access to a database of media materials Public.Ru. It features all the important social, public-political, business and economy-wide mass media in Russia and other countries, the main branches and thematic niche of Russian media space.

Today the database Public.Ru contains:

- More than 88 million documents;

- Materials of more than 10 000 media: newspapers, magazines, news agencies, Internet publications, television and radio stations;

- Publications of all regions of Russia, the CIS countries, as well as more than 10 foreign countries;

- Every day it is processed and loaded 70,000 new documents into the databases;

- Central publications are available to users as early as 9 o'clock in the morning;

- Russian archival materials editions since 1990;

- Wholly-line electronic versions of publications released issues of major newspapers and magazines.

The search of a media materials in Public.Ru is organized with the help of information-analytical system. Database users can work independently with large amounts of full-text documents: search publications, effectively prepare press reviews, conduct prompt media statistical data analysis with reports in the form of graphs and tables for any given period.

The access is open only with computers in the RSL and the electronic resources rooms and will run until July 26, 2014.