History and culture: The exhibition "The World of Russian Village" in the works of the XVIII century- 1st quarter of the XX century

4 July 2014

July 3 at the V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists Museums of his time opened an exhibition "The World of Russian Village" in the works of the XVIII-1st quarter of the XX century. The exhibition, showing the world the Russian peasantry, its culture, religion, life and environment, consists of three sections.

The first section of the exhibition reveals the theme of the peasantry and nobility, who lived both near and separately from one another. Here are the rural and architectural forms by unknown artists of the first half of the XIX century - a watercolor depicting suburban estate of Count Razumovsky Gorenki and a picturesque portrait of Prince A. B. Kurakin against its estates and villages.

The second section is devoted to peasant weekdays and holidays. The Orthodox culture is reflected in the works with the image of a girl putting a candle before the icon, peasants going on a pilgrimage; among the traditions and rituals - Radunitsa and engagement. Images of the Russian beauties have attracted the attention of foreign artists working in Russia. The exhibition presents two portraits of Russian girls in dresses of the 1820s - the French artist P. Barbier and Italian painter M. Gandolfi.

The third section demonstrates the world of the peasant children, who not only helped adults, for example, went for mushrooms, but also watched the new phenomena. The works by such renowned artists as V. A. Tropinin, A. E. Arkhipov, S. A. Korovin, V. K. Kamenev, G. K. Mikhailov are also exhibited. The works of decorative art (porcelain, boxes, toys) and household items successfully complement the exhibition.

The exhibition runs until September 28.