Peoples of Russia: The book of small-numbered people Seto presented in the Pskov Museum-Reserve

3 July 2014

In the Pskov Museum-Reserve today, July 2, took place the presentation of the book of Tatiana Ogareva “Ethnographic notes of life of Seto peasants”. The book tells of the history and culture of small-numbered indigenous people Seto, who for many centuries lived on the territory of the Pechora district of the Pskov region.

Tatiana Ogareva is the creator of Russia's only museum-estate of Setos in the village Sigovo of the Pechora district – she told about the establishment of ethnographic notes, meetings with representatives of this small Finno-Ugric group. While preparing the publication she used memories of old-timers, articles and speeches by local historians society at the Pechora district library and scientific conferences in Old Izborsk.

In addition to the presentation of the book the specialists of the Pskov Museum-reserve spoke about the specifics of Seto’s clothes and jewelry, as well as other exhibits of the collection.

Let us remind that from 2011 in the Pskov region is running a long-targeted program on the support of the small-numbered people Seto, living in the Pechora district, in order to organize the complex approach to the preservation of a unique culture of the small-numbered indigenous people Seto, crafts, traditions, language, public attraction to this nation.