World history: The exhibition “Look into the eyes of the war. Russia during the First World War in newsreel, photographs, documents” in Moscow

28 August 2014

August 28, 2014 at the Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege" as part of the Year of Culture in Russia opens the historical-documentary exhibition "Look into the eyes of the war. Russia during the First World War in the newsreels, photographs, documents", dedicated to the First World War Centenary.

The purpose of the exhibition is to give an idea of ​​the decisive episodes, determined the course of the war and out of it in Russia, the heroism, the faith in the victory of the Russian army and the resistance, of its generals, officers and ordinary soldiers, to do "unknown" war a well-known one.  

A complex dramaturgy of the exhibition gives an idea of ​​the most important events on the front, rear, the royal palace and the Supreme Commander that led to the fatal consequences that changed not only Russia but the whole world.

The basis of the exhibition is about 500 original articles, newsreels, photographs, letters, maps of major battles, eyewitness accounts, postcards and posters, documents, war heroes, provided by museums and archives in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Germany and the UK.

The exposition features unique documents that shaped the course of history of the XX century, among them - Correspondence of Emperor Nicholas II with European monarchs and commanders of armies, the diaries of Nicholas II and Tsarevich Alexei, a farewell order to the army, signed by the last Russian emperor, the documents of the Provisional Government, photographic albums of the imperial family and regimental albums, famous paintings of Russian and European artists started in 1914-1918. Visitors of the exhibition for the first will see an electronic copy of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty that has never been exhibited in Russia. 

The main emphasis is on the use of interactive multimedia technology. 15 short documentary films of newsreel, taken on opposite sides of the front line, interactive thematic panel, holographic images of the "latest technology" during the First World War, military marches, songs and verses in authentic performance allow a deeper dive into the era, literally "look into the eyes of the war" and "hear" it. Vivid images of art, dynamic scenography with unique archival documents, posters and pictures immerse in an atmosphere of war, create a sense of the effect of personal presence in the center of events.

The most important part of the exposition is an interactive installation "River of Time" which tells about the events of the war. More than 20 interactive panels will talk about the outstanding generals, George Knight, women in war, Tsarevich Alexei at the front, the Russian expeditionary corps, the mercy, and much more.

For the exhibition is specially designed a Gallery of Glory Knights of St. George with hundreds of photos of the real heroes of the First World War and a description of their exploits and interactive stand with a story about the Order of St. George.

A special place in the exhibition is devoted to art from the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and the Imperial War Museum in London, the graphics from private collections.