Information technology and history: The multimedia panorama “Great Bargain and Princely Courtyard” in Novgorod

28 August 2014

August 28, 2014 in St. Nicholas Cathedral (Yaroslav Court, Novgorod) is held a press preview of a multimedia panorama "Great Bargain and Princely Court".

The works on the creation of multimedia panorama are held as part of the preparation for the celebration of the anniversary of the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve, which in 2015 will celebrate 150 years.  

The multimedia panorama "Great Bargain and Princely Court" – is a new hardware and software exhibition complex, for which it has been specially built a panoramic screen review in 360˚ and 6 meters in diameter. Panoramic images are created using a wide-angle 6 projectors, 3 controlled by powerful computers. Directional sound system allows you to create a variety of sound effects.

Visitors will have opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the medieval Novgorod, to hear voices of ancient Torg, to learn about veche as well as better understand the history of one of the most ancient cities of Russia.

At the press screening will be presented one of the first three stories about the monuments of Yaroslav Court. It is safe to call this project a pilot, as this is the first attempt of the Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve to introduce modern information technologies in work exposure. The plot of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral, its architecture and painting, is a continuation of the cycle. Multimedia will be recreated with iconostasis of the cathedral. Viewers will be able to see more than 70 icons from the collection of Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve, which were part of the five-tiered iconostasis of the Nikolsky until the 80s of the last century. The works on the creation of multimedia content for the panorama will be completed before the end of 2014 by the plot of the features of architecture monuments of Yaroslav Court and bargaining, which, according to the famous Novgorod architect G. M. Schtender, are "pages of stone chronicle of Novgorod history".