History of Russia: Rare archival photographs of monuments of 1920-1930 presented at the exhibition “March of leaders and heroes” in Saint-Petersburg

25 August 2014

August 25, 2014 in the Museum of urban Sculpture (Saint-Petersburg) is opening the exhibition “March of leaders and heroes”.

“March of the leaders and heroes” – is the second part of the joint project of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture and Arts Park MUZEON (Moscow). The theme of the exhibition is the Soviet monumental sculpture in Moscow and Leningrad. Rare archival photographs of monuments of Soviet Russia will help to show the atmosphere of the two main cities of the country in 1920-1930s.

The first exhibition of the joint project of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture Arts Park MUZEON (Moscow) took place in 2013 and spoke of Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda and its implementation in the two capitals in 1918-1924. The new exhibition “March of leaders and heroes” is devoted to the Plan after the death of Lenin - in the 1925-1941. Visitors will be able to form their own opinions about the artistic value of the lost and surviving monumental propaganda.

The Museum of Urban Sculpture Exhibition will host film screenings and performances in St. Petersburg theater groups. Moscow version of the project is the exhibition "Phantom memory of a great era. Urban Sculpture of 1930s" opened at Arts Park MUZEON on July 31, 2014.

The exhibition will run from August 25 to September 17.