Memorable dates of Russia: Events to the Day of the Russian Ethnographic Society held in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg
The oldest social organization of our country is the Russian Geographical Society - celebrates its birthday. 169 years ago, on August 18 (August 6, old style) 1845, Emperor Nicholas I to its highest command established Russian Geographical Society.
Today, the Russian Geographical Society is an organization that brings together experts in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as enthusiastic travelers, environmentalists, social activists, and all those who want to learn new things about Russia and is ready to help in preserving its natural and cultural wealth.
The regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society operates in each of the 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, including in the Crimea.
On the occasion of the holiday date it has been organized a program of activities that take place at the headquarters of the Company in Moscow and St. Petersburg. August 18, guests will have tours of historic buildings, films taken with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, meeting with their creators, exhibitions and prizes.