Libraries and Society: The "Aerospace Library" project will be implemented in the Ulyanovsk Region

15 August 2014

The "Aerospace Library" project will be implemented in Ulyanovsk Region. It will be presented at IATF 2014 International Air Transport Forum, that will take place on August 14-16, 2014, by the “New City” History Study Center” specialized library #2.

"The project objectives are to built a thematic interior platform on the basis of career development and cerebral activities institution for children and youth for, as well as to develop the "Gravity" multi graded all-aged cultural and educational program. Its purpose is to impart to the children knowledge of aviation and space with promotion of aviation professions among the younger generation,"- said the Minister of Arts and Cultural Policy of the Ulyanovsk Region Tatiana Ivshina.

The "Aerospace Library" project was one of the winners of the contest for "Ulyanovsk Region - a Creative Territory” grant for inventive initiatives in the field of socio-cultural activities.

The "Aerospace Library" is scheduled to open on November 21. Moreover, at that day the specialized library #2 will be named after an outstanding aircraft designer, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize and the State Prize of the USSR laureate Nikolai Zyrin. The event coincides with the 105th anniversary of the birth of the famous native of the Simbirsk Province.