History and Culture: Conference in Kargopol is focused on the issues of historic settlements’ protection

12 August 2014

Kargopol State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum with the support and participation of the Ministry of Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region on August 12-15, 2014, will carry out scientific and applied conference "Actual Problems of Study and Preservation of the Architectural and Town Planning Heritage of Historic Settlements."

In the Year of Culture forum is for the first time dedicated to the study of a wide range of issues of different types of historical settlements: large cities, medium and little towns, rural settlements in different regions of the country.

According to officially approved list there are 41 historic settlements today in the Russian Federation, two among which - the town of Kargopol and Solvychegodsk town - are located in the Arkhangelsk region.

Historic settlement is urban or rural residential neighborhood, within the boundaries of which there are objects of cultural heritage, which are important for protection of the identity of peoples of the Russian Federation and their contribution into world civilization.

Certain problems have to be solved in terms of protection and preservation of historic settlements, among which is regulatory, scientific and methodological, design, survey, construction, technological, financial, organizational, information and personnel assurance of supporting the programs of conservation and development of historic cities and places.

Reconstruction of the historic cities of today is unavoidable, since the cities live and develop. In connection with this one of the important issues that will be discussed at the forum will be the "new" construction in historic settlements, as well as involving the business representatives, public organizations, and residents in the preservation of cultural heritage.

The other objective of the conference is to discuss the actual topic of virtual museum representation of architectural monuments: the active use of modern technologies in restoration of the look of lost monuments, publishing them on the Internet, and lunching virtual exhibition projects.