Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Notes of the officer” to the 120th anniversary of Mikhail Zoschenko in Saint-Petersburg

11 August 2014

August 9, 2014 on the birthday of Mikhail Zoschenko (1894-1958) in his memorial apartment in St. Petersburg, opened the exhibition "Notes of the officer" dedicated simultaneously to two events: the 120th anniversary of the writer's birth and the First World War Centenary. This exhibition is a major event in the framework of the anniversary of the "Zoschenko with us" of the State Literary Museum "XX century".

"Notes of the officer" – is the name of the planned but implemented by Michael Zoschenko book about the imperialist war. Turning to the subject, the museum invites visitors to get acquainted with some little-known circumstances of an uneasy fate of the writer.

Michael Zoschenko took a direct part in the hostilities of the First World War. He was wounded twice and gassed, represented by five orders. The writer’s participation in the war is regarded as one of the major factors that shaped his personality in any autobiography questionnaire and persistently pointed to this page of his life, despite the fact that the past is the king's officer looked not too suitable for the Soviet writer.

The purpose of this exhibition – is volumetric widely to show the role of the tragic events of the war in his personal life and biography of Michael Zoschenko. Implementing its own view on the possible content of his book, the specialists of the State Literary Museum "XX century" attracted Russian researchers to the preparation of the exhibition materials and private collections. Thus, in the space transfigured literary exhibition are shown personal belongings of Michael Zoschenko relating to this period, his drawings, caricatures to repelling the military experience "The Story of Mr. Nazar Ilyich Sinebriukhov" (1921), photographs of fellow soldiers. A pictorial series is presented with a historically accurate painting of the St. Petersburg artist Andrei Ramasyukov.