Education and society: Methodical materials for the All-Russian Open Lesson to the First World War published

7 August 2014

Methodical recommendations and video materials to hold September 1, 2014 in schools of Russia of the All-Russian Open Lesson, dedicated to the First World War Centenary, are available at the portal «Культура.рф».

Open lessons dedicated to the First World War, should contribute to the restoration of historical memory of this event, will affect the entire course of world history. Russian military and historical society presents teachers a 40-minute video "The First World War. The Unknown War" and methodical recommendations for the lesson.

“The main goal of the All-Russian public lesson dedicated to the First World War Centenary – is that in our collective consciousness and including consciousness of students, this war did not remain forgotten, as it has been for decades, - says the author of methodical recommendations, scientific director of RVIO Michael Miagkov. - The younger generation should know about the heroism of their ancestors who fought for their country and should be proud of the glory of Russian arms. No less important is the knowledge about the causes of the First World War: how global military conflicts arise and what to do to prevent them”.

Methodical materials are placed in the special resource «Культура.рф» called "The Great War. 1914-1918". Here users are already available documentaries, lectures of Russian scientists and an extensive library of books on the subject of the First World War and Russia’s participation in it.