History and culture: Exhibition “Font: the letter and the spirit of time” in the National Library of Russia

6 August 2014

August 4, 2014 in the New building of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) opened the exhibition “Font: the letter and the spirit of time”.

The exhibition features publications from the NLR collections, telling of the history of the origin of fonts, the patterns and the way of its construction with principles of architectural design. The rhythm and plastic of the font always reflected the tendencies of the era.

Among the exhibits are font catalogues, works on the theory of font design and analysis of art styles and architecture of different periods. The literature about the font design is also presented – the most complex way of graphic design (design of one headset takes from one year to 20).

Visitors of the exhibition will learn a lot about different groups of fonts and their features.

The exhibition is complemented with “lettering” – the author’s handwritten font compositions. 

Publications, presented at the exhibition, according to organizers, will be useful and interesting to architects, designers and all history lovers.

The exhibition will run until August 31.