Society and reading: The festival of a Book in Voronezh

27 September 2014

From 27 to 29 September 2014 at various venues of the city of Voronezh for the first time is held the Festival of a Book. Together with the I. S. Nikitin Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library in the festival is participated the V. M. Kubanev Voronezh Regional Youth Library, the V. G. Korolenko Voronezh Regional Special Library for the Blind, the Voronezh Regional Children's Library, the Center for Spiritual Revival of the Black Earth region, the theater studio "12 chairs" and others.  

Accompanied by music underneath librarians will be invited to the fair of literary entertainment, and participants of the theater studio "12 chairs" in the costumes of the characters of literary works will arrange a colorful parade and act out scenes from works of art.

The center for Spiritual Revival of the Black Earth region provides an opportunity not only to see but also to buy books of Voronezh publishing houses.

All guests of the festival on that day will be able to take part in a collective creative work "Ode to the book", in the local history quiz show "Festival. Local history" in a quiz on the works of Shakespeare, in a win-win quiz "In the world of books", to visit the exhibition "Books anniversaries-2014", "Library of carrying light", "Enjoying the movie - read the book", an exhibition of books Award "Illuminator" and books on ecology.

Guests of the Festival of a Book will have the opportunity to get answers to questions about the funds and services that have Nikitinka, the Regional Youth Library and the Regional Special Library for the Blind.

In the lobby of the main building of the Nikitin library will be played the book lottery quiz. On the 2nd floor in the department of rare and valuable books, you can see a slide presentation on "Book rarity of Nikitinka", to participate in the contest "Literary anagrams". In the video hall you will be able to watch movies from the library's collection. On the 3rd floor the reference library department will hold a competition "Chronograph" and will introduce guests of the festival the website of the library, the resources of public legal information centers, a mobile information center "Biblionavigator", the full-text databases, features of virtual reference service, electronic document delivery.