Society and Culture: The theoretical and practical conference dedicated to the modern strategies of cultural development and preservation of cultural and historical heritage in Barnaul
Theoretical and practical conference dedicated to the modern strategies of cultural development and preservation of cultural and historical heritage is being held in the Altai Region.
The conference is timed to the Year of Culture in Russia, its organizer is the Altai Regional Library named after V. Y. Shishkov. The scientists, educators, artists, workers of culture, representatives of public organizations, museums, archives, and the Altai Krai libraries are invited to participate in the conference.
The following topics are suggested for discussions during the conference:
- The cultural ambience as a wholeness of living and inner demands.
- Ethno-cultural traditions and spiritual rebirth of Russia.
- Virtual standards as a sociocultural phenomenon of society.
- Historical and cultural monuments - the preservation of the territorial objects of cultural and historical heritage.
- Significant issues of professional training in the field of culture.
- Simulation of modern strategies of cultural development in the region.
In an agenda of the conference a plenary meeting and the speeches are scheduled for September 26, and "Face-to-Face: Youth Response to the Challenges of Modern Culture" round table - for September 27. The collected scientific articles summarizing to the results of the conference will be published.