Exhibitions: The Works by Andrei Efimovich Martynov presented in St. Petersburg

24 September 2014

"Andrew E. Martynov. 1768-1826" exhibition opened in the Mikhailovsky Castle (State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg).

The exposition consists of more than one hundred works by Andrei Efimovich Martynov (1768-1826) - the famous Russian painter, graphic artist, watercolorist, engraver and lithographer, Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. The main stages of the creative way of this artist, who worked mainly in the field of landscape, disclosed by the example of paintings and drawings from the collection of the Russian Museum, the State Hermitage Museum, as well as from private collections. For the first time at the exhibition will be presented a previously unknown "The Mongolian Types" album of drawings by Andrey Martynov, dedicated to Count U. A. Golovkin’s Russian embassy journey to China in 1805-1806 years, from the collection of A. G. Egorov. Also, the exhibition includes the work of Martynov from the "Views of St. Petersburg and its environs" lithographs’ series, as well as the images of Moscow and other Russian cities.