Society and culture: Contest works for the draft decoration of the interior of the memorial Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade presented in Moscow

23 September 2014

September 23, 2014, the Art Gallery of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (Moscow) will host the opening ceremony of the exhibition of contest works for the draft decoration of the interior of the memorial Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade.

The purpose of the event is to choose in terms of the contest the best draft decorations of the interior of the Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade, carried out on a high professional level, taking into account the historical and cultural situation and architectural particularities of the monument.

Among the contestants there are professional artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Yaroslavl. The exhibition features more than 50 works - designs, photos, mosaic icons. The event will last until October 5. October 6, 2014 in the halls of the exhibition there will be a meeting of the jury, which will select the winner.

The temple of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava in Belgrade on Vracar is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world. It symbolizes the revival and strengthening of the spiritual life of the Serbian people and Orthodoxy, erected on the site of the burning by the Ottoman authorities in 1594 of the relics of the greatest saint, the first Serbian archbishop, the national hero, Saint Sava.