Information technology and archives: The State Archive of the Sakhalin Region is building up an electronic library

22 September 2014

The State Archive of Sakhalin Oblast (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) continues the digitization of historical documents. Besides, all archive data now are entered in a special information system.

Up-to-date model of scanner is one of the latest acquisitions of Sakhalin historical archive. It can operate in automatic mode.

In two years with a help of two other scanners more than 100 thousand pages of historical documents were transferred into electronic format. To save the originals evermore, after the digitization the document is withdrawn from circulation. And virtual document is placed in an electronic library that just had been created. Previously, in order to get a document, the reading room visitors needed to get the librarians’ help. Now it is only necessary to enter a query to the search engine.

Primarily the archive experts digitize the strong demand documents. The example of high priority item is the parish registers. In the future, the data will be available to any Internet user.