World History: The exhibition "To the Centenary of the First World War" in Novokuznetsk

22 September 2014

The exhibition "To the Centenary of the First World War" opened at the "Kuznetsk Fortress" National Park and Museum in Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo Region).

The main objective of the exhibition is to grab the public attention to improperly forgotten heroes - fellows countrymen. For a long time the museum staff employees were engaged in active research and collecting efforts, working in the archives and talking to relatives of participants in those events. The exhibition is kind of summary of produced work.

More than 40 items, a central place among which is taken by the photographs, are featured to the visitors. One section of the exhibition is dedicated to a participant of the First World War Andrei Dmitrievich Balashov. Having started his military service at the age of 18 on the Russian Island of Far East, he was called up to the front on the autumn of 1914. During the war, Andrew Dmitrievich had participated in the battles near Jassy and in Bendery, in Bessarabia, Romania and others. During over 9 years of total service Andrei Dmitrievich was never wounded and ended the war with the rank of ensign. For his bravery he was awarded the IV Degree Medal For Bravery and the three Crosses of St. George of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree. Andrei Dmitrievich’s relatives kinly provided the organizers with hero’s biographical information, photographs and awards.

Moreover, a noteworthy set of typical for the period of the First World War weapons from the museum collections will be offered to audience. The viewers will be able to see the guns of the "Revolver", "Bulldog", "Smith and Wesson" systems, needle-bayonets of the Mosin rifle, smooth-bore single-shot rifle of "Gras" system, a sample of soldier’s curve dagger of 1907, and much more.

No less attention is paid to the "Homeland" illustrated magazine with its free supplements, such as “Vsemirnoe Obozrenie” (the universal review), and "Razvlechenie" (an entertainment). During the war people were to finding out about the major events, victories and news from the front exactly from these publications. The magazines grabs an attention also because they contain the advertising and social campaign materials, such as caricatures, cartoons, posters, war loans, and so on. These publications were in great demand among the Russian population and of enormous importance during the war.

The exhibition includes the "St. George and the Dragon" icon, depicting one of the spiritual characters of the Russian army. The image of St. George, the patron and the saint guard of the host, was inspiring the necessary fighting spirit to the troops. No doubt, the items of military uniforms will grab an exceptional interest: a glass flask, unusual for us today, German satchel, cloth hood, worn by both Russian and German soldiers.

"To the Centenary of the First World War" exhibition at the national park and museum could be visited until October 31, 2014.