History of Russia: The exhibition “War and Mercy”, dedicated to the First World War, in Saint-Petersburg

12 September 2014

To the First World War Centenary, the State Museum-Exhibition Center ROSPHOTO (Saint-Petersburg) together with the Military-Medical Museum from September 12, 2014 present an exhibition project dedicated to the charity during the First World War.

The First World War extremely sharp put in front of the humanity the question of humanitarian concerns – how to make out with a great number of the wounded, how to organize help to the refugees, how to deal with the ever-increasing number of prisoners of war.

The main part of the exposition is dedicated to the activity of Sisters of Mercy, hospitals and hospital trains, being under the patronage of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

The second part tells of the work of military doctors, the surgical operations in the field, the care for severely injured and recovered. The number of photographs depicting examples of humane containment of German and Austrian prisoners of war in Russian captivity under the Convention of the Laws and Customs of War on Land in 1907 is also presented.

Presented at the exhibition photographs demonstrate a comprehensive coverage and a variety of forms of charitable projects, helping the country to solve complex problems of war, associated with the organization for the wounded.