Internet an society: An important role of Internet in the economic development of Russia was noted at the IX Internet Governance Forum in Istanbul

8 September 2014

Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Rashid Ismailov made a working visit to Turkey, where he took part in the opening of the Ninth Internet Governance Forum, 2-5 September 2014, Istanbul. During the visit, the Deputy Minister noted the important role of the Internet in the development of the Russian economy and to effectively building relationships between citizens and the state.

At the opening ceremony the deputy head of the Ministry of Communications said that the Internet economy in Russia was developing dynamically” "At the end of 2013 the penetration of broadband services in Russia was 55%. A number of Internet users in Russia has reached 69 million people. In most internet economy is employed more than 1 million people, and the Internet-dependent sectors - these are the areas that cannot exist without the Internet - about 7 million people".

According to Deputy Minister, today Russia on the principles of public-private partnership is developing communication infrastructure, which will allow by 2018 to provide a high-speed Internet access to 97% of the population.

In addition, the work is continuing on the transfer of state bodies to electronic document management and delivery of open data. "All this makes the Internet not only a key element of economic sectors, but also in an important system of governance, the environment for building relations between citizens and the state. We want this environment was safe, stable and predictable", - said Rashid Ismailov.

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications said that it was necessary to strike a balance between the protection of human rights and security on the Internet, including through the introduction of restrictions, which are set by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. "To effectively solve this question can only be provided for close international co-operation and under the leadership of all countries", - said Rashid Ismailov.

The Deputy Minister said that the state had the right and obligation to protect citizens' personal data, including by adjusting their processing in the national segment of the Internet. "We consider it necessary to adapt the multi-stakeholder model of Internet infrastructure management to modern realities with the help of a clear consolidation of the role and responsibilities of all stakeholders, especially from the private sector", - said Rashid Ismailov.

In the framework of the forum was also held a high-level meeting of the Internet Governance. During the dialogue Rashid Ismailov noted the reflected in the declaration position of BRICS leaders on the inadmissibility of the use of information and communication resources, and in particular, the Internet as a weapon.

Rashid Ismailov said that to solve the security issues of the Internet environment is possible only through close international cooperation among all the states. According to the deputy minister, Russia supports the policy of internationalization of the Internet infrastructure management and development of a global policy in this area under the auspices of such authoritative international organizations like the UN and the ITU. "I would like to note that Russia is ready to discuss various ideas and proposals that could potentially help the international community to create a truly secure, open and effective governance model of the Internet infrastructure, based on the norms and standards agreed at international level", - said the deputy minister.