To the Remembrance Day of Victims of the Blockade: Library “Museum of the blockaded city” is opened in Petersburg after overhaul
September 5, 2014 after a major renovation in St. Petersburg was opened a unique library "Museum of the Book of the besieged city". The Museum Library is listed in the Golden Book of St. Petersburg and is internationally recognized.
This is a unique collection of books, documents and articles devoted to the blockade. The building had a complete renovation of all rooms, equipped with the latest multimedia and computer equipment.
First library was opened 55 years ago. In 1976 it became part of the centralized library system of the Moscow region. In addition to direct activities to attract readers, preservation and enhancement of funds, holding a variety of events, library specialists pay great attention to historical and regional studies.
"In 1992 the leadership of the centralized library system and workers of the library №5 supported the idea of the organization of the exhibition dedicated to the life of the library during the Blockade of Leningrad, proposed by the "Association of Historians of the blockade and the Battle of Leningrad during the Second World War", which is one of the partners of the library. For several years, librarians, together with veterans, collaborating with museums, societies, book lovers and collectors, townspeople were fascinated by the history of their native city, collected the various exhibits dedicated to the blockade and the work of librarians during the war", - reported in the district administration.
In 2013, on the facade of the building was installed a memorial sign "In memory of librarians of the blockaded Leningrad 1941-1944".
The opening of the renewed museum library is timed to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the blockade, which is celebrated on September 8.