Exhibitions: Works by prominent Chinese artist Zhou Shaohua as part of the Year of Culture in Russia presented in Moscow

2 September 2014

September 2, 2014 at the State Museum of Oriental Art (Moscow) is opened the exhibition "Symphony of a Man and Heaven. Painting by Zhou Shaohua", which takes place in the framework of the Year of Culture in Russia.

The exhibition of the outstanding Chinese artist and art theorist Zhou Shaohua will be held for the first time in Russia. His work has been selected for an art exposition, included in the 2014 program of activities for the Year of China in Russia "Hubei Provincial Culture comes to Russia".

He exposition features 47 works by the artist, including written in 1982 famous painting "The Spirit of the Yellow River". Western critics call the style of Zhou Shaohua a new eastern symbolism.

Currently, Zhou Shaohua is a member of the Presidium of the China National Academy of Painting, Visiting Professor of eight art schools, including the Art Institute of Xi'an and Hubei Province. Zhou Shaohua held over 80 solo exhibitions around the world.

September 2 as part of the exhibition the hall of the Academic Council of the Museum of Oriental Art is taking place a roundtable "Tradition and innovation in the art of the East and the West", which is attended by leading Chinese and Russian artists.