History and culture: The exhibition of unique autographs of Mussorgsky opened in the Mariinsky Theater in Saint-Petersburg

27 October 2014

October 25, 2014 in the foyer of the first tier of the building of the Mariinsky Theatre-2 opened an exhibition dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Modest Mussorgsky and the 140th anniversary of the premiere of "Boris Godunov" at the Mariinsky Theatre.

The exposition, in addition to stage costumes, sketches, props, reflecting the fascinating history of productions of "Boris Godunov" and "Khovanshchina" by Mussorgsky at the theater in the XIX-XX centuries, rare documents, photos, first presented as a unique composer autographs - including never published manuscript of the score of "Boris Godunov".

Stored in the archive department of the library of the Mariinsky Theatre the autograph score of "Boris Godunov" by Modest Mussorgsky is a treasure of national culture. Opening its calligraphic page today, we can once again make sure how unique is a creative gift of the composer.

Visitors can "touch" the autograph of "Boris Godunov" (in the form of an interactive screen with the pages of the score) - look through it, to feel the breath of history, see the material embodiment of the great. The exhibition will run for all visitors to the Mariinsky-2 within six months.

The projects of the Mariinsky Theatre and the Russian historical heritage of musical theater, focused in his archives - an organization similar exhibition for the 175th anniversary of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 2015. In the near future, the audience of the Mariinsky is waiting for the "interactive communication" with an enormous legacy of the great composer - autographed by the legendary "Sleeping Beauty", "Queen of Spades", "Sorceress" and other great works.