History and culture: The project to revive the heritage of Russian composers started

22 October 2014

September this year started the project "Reviving legacy of Russian composers", aimed at the rehabilitation, conservation and promotion of the lost musical works, valuable books and music materials.

To date legacy of many famous Russian composers is forgotten. Other works performed for the last time until the beginning of the last century, many of these records have not survived. Radio "Orpheus" has selected several works, which will be restored and saved. Their live recording will be available on the server of the European Broadcasting Union.

Among musical works to be restored in the first place is a unique opera by A. S. Arensky "Raphael". It was written in 1894 for the first All-Russian Congress of artists and to celebrate the opening of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Last time the product was delivered in 20s of the last century, and is written in the original version in the 50s. Unfortunately, the record was lost, and the author's name is almost forgotten.

For the program for the restoration of the literary monuments were also selected rare and valuable books. Masters of the restoration workshop of the Russian State Library have begun to reconstruct the first object - "Textbook of harmony", compiled by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and recorded under the dictation of his disciple. This copy, published in 1885, is an important primary source of theoretical work of the great composer.

As part of the project in Moscow it will be organized a concert of a restored opera "Raphael" and an exhibition of the restored literary monuments.