History and culture: The exhibition “Russian Art of the XVIII – first half of the XX century” in Volgograd
The exhibition "Russian Art of the XVIII - early XX centuries. Selected works" which opens on October 18, 2014, shows more than 80 works from the collections of the I. I. Mashkov Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts. Its centerpiece is the paintings, it is added sculpture, graphics, works of decorative art. The exhibition provides an opportunity to follow the ways of development of Russian art in all the richness of its diversity of genre - from the XVIII to the 30-ies of the XX century.
The exhibition covers a significant time period, wherein incredible events of national artistic life, the acceleration of evolutionary processes, the abundance of significant names and events. For a variety of guises art and originality of artistic personalities there are questions about the world, about the essence and purpose of creation, the place of the individual in history.