Culture and authority: Events of the coming Year of Literature in Russia – 2015 discussed in Moscow

17 October 2014

October 16, 2014 in the State Duma took place the first meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation.

Deputy Minister of Culture Gregory Ivliev reported on the implementation of large-scale project of the National Digital Library (NDL), the new international projects of the Rudomino Russian State Library for Foreign Literature, new model standards of the library, plans of events to celebrate the anniversaries of Russian writers and poets.

Members of the organizing committee of the coming Year of Literature - writers, writers, poets and experts - discussed the received proposals, the preliminary stages and areas of work for the next year. In particular, the head of Rospechat Mikhail Seslavinsky offered to make Koktebel a literary resort and spend as part of the Year of the literature in the Crimea of a number of special events: "There is no better place. There's House-Museum of Voloshin, and the Akhmatova street, and the Block street. And all this is in a small-sized site. "We already know that in June 2015 scheduled for literary change in the camp "Artek".

Gregory Ivliev also reported that the Moscow Government allocated a building on the Zubovsky Boulevard for placing the Literary Museum.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee Sergei Naryshkin noted the inseparable connection of literature and history. He also expressed the hope that will be planned joint activities of the Organizing Committee and Historical Society. In particular, in 2015 will mark the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and with it will be 100 years since the birth of Konstantin Simonov, without who it is difficult to imagine military literature.

Head of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications Mikhail Seslavinskiy to the main tasks of the Year of the literature carried his interest the increase in reading among children and adults alike, to improve the quality of literature, the creation of conditions for a comfortable writer.

And the director of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vsevolod Bagno suggested the idea of creating a portal where it could be published the Russian literature, translated into different languages.

“The events of the Year of Literature will be a logical continuation of the work that is carried out in the framework of the Year of Culture", - said the chairman of the Organizing Committee Sergei Naryshkin.