Memory of Russia: The monument to diplomat Alexander Gorchakov opened in MGIMO to the 70th anniversary of the University

13 October 2014

October 13, 2014 as part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the MGIMO University took place the opening of the monument to the outstanding diplomat Alexander Goryachev. The solemn ceremony was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Lavrov.

These days MGIMO widely celebrates the 70th anniversary of its founding. October 13, at the University is held the II World Forum of MGIMO graduates, before which the opening ceremony of the monument took place. Welcoming the guests, Sergey Lavrov stressed that the unveiling of the monument to Gorchakov at MGIMO is very symbolic, as it is within the walls of the University are being prepared future diplomats, people who will defend the national interests of Russia in the world in the coming decades.

Alexander Gorchakov - statesman, head of the Russian Foreign Ministry (1856-1882) under Alexander II, was Chancellor of the Russian Empire (1867-1882).