Internet and history: The virtual exhibition to the 50th anniversary of the flight of the spacecraft “Voskhod” presented at the website of the K. E. Tsiolkovsky Museum of Cosmonautics

13 October 2014

The website of the K. E. Tsiolkovsky State Museum of Cosmonautics in Kaluga "hosts" the virtual exhibition "Three on "Voskhod". The exhibition is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first flight of spacecraft "Voskhod" and is based on objects stored in the museum.

October 12, 1964 in Earth orbit was launched Sputniks "Voskhod". On board of the spacecraft was a crew consisting of the commander, pilot-cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, research fellow cosmonaut Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov and physician-cosmonaut Boris Borisovich Yegorov. For the first time in the history of space exploration was launched multi-seat spacecraft, the world's first on-orbit worked not one person but a team of researchers.

The exhibition tells the story of preflight preparation, flight and after flight events, visits the crew in Kaluga and visit the house-museum of Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky and the Museum of the History of Cosmonautics.

In addition to visual material - documents, photos, the exposition includes six audio talks with fragments of astronauts during flight. You can also listen to a fragment of negotiations of S. P. Korolev (call sign "The Twentieth"), Yuri A. Gagarin (call sign "Dawn") with the crew of the spaceship "Voskhod" (call sign "Rubies") during the start; fragment of negotiations with the message of V. M. Komarov of the crew on the fifth circuit; fragment negotiations of S. P. Korolev with B. B. Yegorov and K. P. Feoktistov to conduct biological experiments; fragment of negotiations with the crew before the final stage of flight.