World history: The book exhibition “Russia – Western Europe, XVIII century: diplomats, publishers, educators” in Saint-Petersburg

9 October 2014

October 8, 2014 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) opened a book exhibition "Russia - Western Europe, XVIII century: diplomats, publishers, educators".

The exhibition features the publication of the RSL collections, telling the story of information warfare in Russia, leading its beginning with the reign of Peter the Great. Traveling in Europe, the Russian tsar noted the impact of public opinion on European policy. Even then, the mindset of Europeans are not formed spontaneously, but were the result of purposeful, challenging literary and publishing policies of the main rival powers, policy that was given to Russia is not the most enviable location.

To change this situation Peter the First sought the aid of the Dutch and German publishers, reorganized the Russian diplomatic service. There were established representative offices in most European countries. Russian service recruited special literary agents. Around the Russian embassies abroad was formed a circle of journalists and printers capable of immediately publish in any country brochures and notes refuting harmful information to Russia. 

The reader is presented research papers of N. A. Kopanev on this topic, as well as rare editions, which the scientist relied on. Studying the question of public relations of those years, he paid great importance to the work "History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great", prepared by Voltaire. Reflecting the main features of the historical and philosophical views of the famous author, the publication had a great response and controversy in Europe and in Russia. The discovery of Kopanev is the attribution manuscripts of M. V. Lomonosov sent to Voltaire from St. Petersburg. "History" by Voltaire is a vivid monument to the development of Russian-Western relations of Peter's reforms to the beginning of the reign of the Empress Catherine II.  

The most important part of the exhibition is unique items from the library of the Empress Elizabeth. The library provides a very different picture of the level of education and the interests of Elizabeth. It was established by N. A. Kopanev, most of the books in French were historical works and descriptions of travel in the countries of East Asia. Works on diplomacy were studied. Among the exhibits - books whose names were in the library catalog of the Empress's in the Summer Palace.

The exhibition will run until October 26.