Russian museums: The Museum “Zaraysk Kremlin” opens its doors in the renovated building of Public places

6 October 2014

The new exposition of the Historical-Architectural, Art and Archaeological Museum “Zaraysk Kremlin” opened in the renovated building of the Public places on eh territory of the only fully preserved Kremlin in the Moscow region – a unique monument of Russian defensive architecture of the XVI century.

The new exposition of the museum is housed in five halls, four of which – with a permanent exposition, and one in lecture-exhibition hall.

One of the halls will be fully dedicated to the unique in its composition collection of portraits of the nobility and merchant of the 2nd half of the XVIII – early XX centuries.

In addition, the new museum exposition will present other treasures of the museum "Zaraysk Kremlin". This is documentary evidence of the glorious history of Zaraysk and the Zaraysk district, a collection of decorative and applied art of Russia, Western Europe and Eastern countries, items from the collection of antique weapons, items from the ethnographic collection. The exposition contains the priceless gift of a famous graphic artist of the last century Fedor Konstantinov Denisovich, who donated to the museum his 1000 prints.