The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with materials from the State Public Historical Library, the Center for Social and Political History of the State Public Historical Library, the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library and the Novosibirsk State Regional Scientific Library.
New acquisitions include publications devoted to the people's movement in Russia in the XVII century, the activities of the party "Narodnaya Volya" and its representatives, the revolutionary events of 1905, 1917 and civil war in Russia.
The book by V. A. Nikolsky Morozovschina (St. P., 1908) is one of the issues of a separate series of "Universal Library" under the title "People's Movement in Russia", which includes essays and researches devoted to political movements of the Russian people, starting from the XVII century. The publication covers a series of urban uprisings wave swept across the Russian state, starting with Moscow riot of 1648 to Copper Riot 1662. One of the reasons that led to this served the tax policy of the central figure in the government of the time, Boyar, tutor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich B. I. Morozov.
The circle of the People of the Society for Political and exile settlers compilation released a collection on March 1, 1881 (1881-1931) (Moscow, 1931), which contains the memories of participants and contemporaries of the March assassination attempt, resulting in the death of Emperor Alexander II. The book contains articles by members of the Executive Committee of the Party "Narodnaya Volya" and People's contemporaries this event (A. V. Yakimova, V. N. Figner, N. I. Rakitnikova, N. A. Morozov, A. D. Mikhailov, etc.), as well as articles by P. A. Kropotkin.
On the life and work of a revolutionary, one of the leaders of the Party "Narodnaya Volya", organizer and participant of attempts to Emperor Alexander II is described in the book by A. Kornilov-Moroz Sofya Lvovna Perovskaya: Member executive. Committee of the Party "Narodnaya Volya" (Moscow, 1930).
Memories (Berlin, 1906) by journalist and literary critic, theorist of Russian populism Nicholas Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky contain information about the revolutionary woman Vera Figner and her meeting with the Interior Minister V. K. Pleve.
To the 20th anniversary of the Revolution 1905 was published a collection of articles and memoirs in 1905 in Siberia (Novonikolayevsk, 1925), telling about the preparation and development of the revolutionary movement in the region during this period.
The collection of Documents of the Great October Socialist Revolution (Moscow, 1942) includes documents of the period of training and the revolution in October 1917: "April Theses" of V. I. Lenin, the resolution of the VI Party Congress (b) on the political situation, the letter of V. I. Lenin on uprising, resolutions and appeals written by V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin in the days of October, the decrees of the Soviet government, and other material. The second part of the collection contains documents of the October Revolution in Petrograd, Moscow, and some of the documents on the October day in the field.
A part of a vast fund of the political departments of the armies published in the USSR contain a collection of R. I. Golubev Leaflets of the civil war in the Soviet Union of 1918-1922 (Moscow, 1942). The collected material gives an idea of how the party, the Soviet government and the party-political apparatus of the Soviet Red Army mobilized people, soldiers, commanders and political workers to fight the invaders and the White movement.
The collection Perekop (M.; L., 1941), consisting of memories of commanders, commissars, soldiers of the Red Army, archival materials, covers events of the Perekop-Chongarsky operation of the Red Army in November 1920.
The revolutionary events of the beginning of the XX century are reflected in "Collected Works" (M.; L., 1924-1927) of the Soviet party and state leader, one of the organizers of the October Revolution, Leon Trotsky. The second part of the second volume "Our First Revolution" (M.; L., 1927) is devoted to the narrative and analysis of the biggest events in 1905. The book includes articles that appeared in the press after the revolution of 1908-1909. The seventeenth volume the second part "Civil War" (M.; L., 1926) includes articles and documents describing the struggle of the Red Army with the armies of Kolchak, Denikin, Wrangel, the position and tasks of the Soviet republics after the Civil War, the policy of the new government in relation to the peasantry.
See also: L. D. Trotsky "The Collected Works" V. 6: The Balkans and the Balkan War (M.; L., 1926) and V. 9: Europe at War (M.; L., 1927).
The preparation of new materials continues.