Internet and society: The Great Russian Encyclopedia to be released in Internet
The Ministry of Culture of Russia announced a tender to create a website of the Great Russian Encyclopedia (GRE).
- This will be a classical electronic version of the encyclopedia with cross-references, full test, but without being connected to primary sources and other intellectual services, - said the managing editor of GRE Sergei Kravets.
The website should start operating by 2017 – simultaneously with the print of the last, 35th volume of the book version of the GRE.
Future plans of the publishing house of the GRE are to create a multifunctional portal “Knowledge”, where the encyclopedia will be combined with many other directories and database.
The access to the electronic version of the GER is likely to be free.
The electronic version of the GRE will be placed on a separate website, and its mirrors will be built into website of the Ministry of Culture and “Culture.рф”.