Memory of Russia: The I Suvorov Patriotic Festival of Arts, dedicated to the 285th birth anniversary of the Great Russian commander, in Saint-Petersburg

17 November 2014

The I Suvorov Patriotic Arts Festival dedicated to the 285th birth anniversary of the Great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov, is first held in November in St. Petersburg.

The first event of the festival was the exhibition, which was opened at the A. V. Suvorov State Memorial Museum. The exhibition tells about the commander and significant events of national history and is devoted to people, members of military glory of Russia - the holder of the Order of St. George, the Glory and Orders of Suvorov, Alexander Nevsky, Kutuzov, Ushakov.

The festival "Our Suvorov" runs from 17 to 24 November at the sites of the Museum of the commander, and the House of officers of the Theatre "Baltic House".

The main purpose of the festival – is to emphasize the political relevance of the heritage of Suvorov and to increase the public interest to history, culture and arts.