Russian museums: The Volgograd History Museum hosts the Festival “Museums – Keepers of Traditions”, timed to the centenary of the foundation

13 November 2014

November 13, 2014 in the Volgograd Regional Museum is opened the XIII Regional Festival "Museums - Keepers of Traditions", dedicated to the centenary of the foundation of the museum.

The festival started in 2002 and became a vivid celebration of traditional folk culture, it has taken a worthy place in a number of cultural events aimed at preserving the best national traditions, to strengthen the friendship between the peoples living on the territory of the Volgograd region.

The main purpose and objectives of the festival:

- To show museums and museology, as actual sphere of life of Russians, and the essential foundation of the spiritual revival of Russia;

- Approval of museums as centers of culture, moral and patriotic education;

- Promotion of new forms and methods of work, innovative technology;

- Professional development of museum specialists and the prestige of the profession and others.

Festival participants have the opportunity to demonstrate the variety of cultural and educational activities, the museum and educational programs, museum lessons, interactive tours, theatrical folk rituals, museum events, historical and musical compositions, reflecting the traditions of ethnic groups living in the territory of the Volgograd region.

The annual Museum Festival "Museums - the keepers of traditions" was a unique platform for professional evaluation of museums, the stimulus to development, a celebration for the inhabitants of the region, a place of cultural and leisure activities.

November 12 at the museum took place the opening ceremony of the exhibition "100 years of service to the Fatherland", dedicated to the centenary the Volgograd Regional Museum.