Society and culture: More than 100 different actions and projects to be held in Russia in the Year of Literature 2015

12 November 2014

Rospechat has approved the list of the main activities to be held in 2015 in the Russia of the Year of Literature.

The plan of events for 2015 of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation, signed by the head of the organizing committee, the chairman of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, is published at the official website of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

The list of 13 large sections, that include ceremonies in government, are themed projects in the media and film industry, measures to perpetuate the memory, international and Russian literary and educational events, conferences, forums, and more than four dozen exhibitions, publishing and literary awards and competitions, festivals and celebrations. So, for example, in 2015, is to be held the All-Russian contest "The most reading region" with awarding the winner of the status of "Literary flagship of Russia" and the Russian Children's Festival-Contest "Plastic of children's fairy tale", The Festival of books printed by Braille for the blind and visually impaired people "I see with hands"; it is planned to hold a scale street Festival of poetry and graffiti "Verses on the wall: from Sevastopol and Kaliningrad to Vladivostok and Anadyr!" and a number of other equally creative literary festivals.

According to the plan, the Year of Literature in Russia will be officially opened with the ceremony of the participation of representatives of the Administration of President, Rospechat, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and it will be completed with a grand literary and musical gala concert.

During the year are scheduled the launch and support of an Internet portal dedicated to the Year of the Literature, the production of memorials and medals, thematic issue stamp and envelope with special cancellation, development and branding of the Year and the issues of souvenir with it. Responsible people for implementing most of the activities is assigned Rospechat, the Ministry of Culture of Russia, the executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, the Foundation for Socio-economic and intellectual programs.