Internet and culture: Panoramas of Kenozerye on Yandex.Maps
The Plesetsk sector of Kenozerye National Park became available for viewing in the service Yandex.Maps of the popular Russian search engine Yandex. Now Internet users can make virtual tours through the waters of Kenozerye, to walk through old villages, to look into chapels and to admire unique skies.
The film crew of the company Neq4 visited Kenozerye this late August. During two days operators have made 3568 photographs – 780 panoramas.
Within a few months programmers performed works on material processing. Now scenic panoramas of Kenozerye are already uploaded to the server of the popular Russian search engine and allow going to the virtual tour of the Plesetsk sector of the Park: meet the village Vershinino, to become a participant to the tour "Heaven and outskirts of Kenozerye", to visit the Center for arts and crafts in the village of Ust-Poch, to visit picturesque village of Filippovskaya and see the ensemble - "troika" - the unique temple complex of the Pochozersky Temple Complex of the XVIII century.
The highlight of the protected area is the familiarity with the unique "Kenozersky heavens". Since the original photos are high quality, the panorama can be seen in detail, close-up. So that Internet users can not only evaluate the Kenozersky interior chapels, but also carefully consider each face of painted ceilings.