Russian culture abroad: Salon of Russian book held in Paris
The Salon of Russian Book is held in Paris from November 7-9, 2014.
The purpose of the salon – is the strengthening of the centuries-old tradition of cultural exchange between our countries. The salon presents a modern literary life of Russia in its all geographical and stylistic diversity, combining in a single space authors, their translators, publishers and booksellers.
The Salon is a wide palette of books of Russian authors (in French and Russian languages), the books of French authors, inspired by Russia or popular in Russia. Classical Russian literature takes here a worthy place, as book on art, history and geography of Russia.
Books of travels, literature on tourism, gastronomy are also presented. Collectors can find old books and posters dating from the last century. Finally, exhibitions, poetry readings, discussions and film screenings will fill these three days in Paris dedicated to the culture of Russia.