Information technology and society: Issues of information of regions discussed at the Forum “Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia” in Yaroslavl

5 November 2014

The II All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia" is held in Yaroslavl, from 4 to 7 November 2014. The Forum is the largest universal platform for communication, training and presentation of projects and ideas of talented students from across the country. The forum was attended by about 600 teachers and pupils, high school students who have achievements in the natural sciences, engineering and humanities.

Panel discussion on the Forum was attended by the Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov. He noted that the information technology has changed the world. In Russia, for the last 3-5 years the number of Internet users has grown considerably, now the network with different devices contains more than half the country's citizens.

"Technology has changed the approach to how our people interact with information, the state interacts with citizens, as people are educated, as health is done," - said the head of the Ministry of Communications of Russia.

He recalled that in 2014 in the Russian Federation was launched a project to provide high-speed internet settlements, which are home to 250 residents.

"This is a real revolution, - said Nikolai Nikiforov. - If Russia were a small state, the task of providing 97 percent of the population with the most modern internet would not be so global. But our geographical and climatic features are a serious purpose. The Russians will have access to the network, including government, education. We will improve the quality of life and economy, we will build a high-performance company. This technological revolution is happening around us, and we all - its participants".