Libraries and Society: Russian State Library for Young Adults has launched a video project about the libraries of the world

2 November 2014

Russian State Library for Young Adults has launched the “Library Planet”, or “Planet of the Libraries” new international project. Specialists of Russian State Library for Young Adults go to the leading modern youth libraries around the world and shoot small videos about them.

The purpose of the project is to introduce to the library community, readers and users successful foreign experiences, contemporary libraries of the world, how they work with the public, and what opportunities and resources they can offer in terms of education, work, communication, self-development and creative expression. “Library Planet” project is intended to change the outdated vision, to inspire new ideas that could lead to a change the libraries for the better, to drive young readers, volunteers and creative professionals into the library.

The project was presented at the Third Russian youth library convention, which was held on October 14-16 in Russian State Library for Young Adults with the organizational assistance of Russian Library Association. More than 100 young librarians from throughout the country watched the first videos, focused to two libraries in Denmark: Aalborg Municipal Library and an underground youth library, which is located in the town of Kolding. The next are the libraries of Germany, Sweden and other countries. Movies are could be viewed on the project page on YouTube.

The exhibition will continue until the 30th of November.