The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The collection The First World War (1914-1918) (section Art literature) has been enriched with materials from the Saint-Petersburg State Theatre Library, one of the oldest libraries in Russia.
The Great War, which has become one of the most large-scale armed conflicts in the history of mankind, was reflected in many works of art of that time, including those intended for the stage. The presented works were written in 1914-1916, directly during the conflict, and contain the first impressions and feelings of people facing the realities of war. Military theme was embodied not only in big dramatic forms, but in the scenes, miniatures, poems and couplets.
The play action, unfolding in Russia, Poland, Belgium, France and Germany reflect not so much fighting and battles, as the state of mind of people who experienced the hardships of war. Learning the fear, pain and suffering, a man reveals his true feelings: honor and dishonor, loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred, courage and cowardice. A particular attention is paid to the courage of ordinary people, who were able to become true heroes in such conditions.
Bogdanov S. Two Worlds: a play in four acts and seven scenes of the events of this war (Pg., 1914). 28 p.;
Mylnikova K. To the war: from this day: drama: in the 1st action (Pg., 1915). 39 p.;
Eliseev N. V. The Way Russia was rising in the difficult years (Pg., 1915). 32 p.;
Chaykin V. I. Kalishane in the claws from the barbarians-Prussian: drama of modern warfare (Pg., 1915). 60 p.;
Tuptalo Ek. Awakened conscience: patriotic drama in 3 acts of modern life (Pg., 1915). 33 p.;
Kerch-Yenikalsky G. Poor in spirit or Heroes of the World Fire: play on contemporary events: 2 scenes (Pg., 1914). 38 p.;
Wexler I. A. Refugee: a play in 3 acts: for the children of middle age. Alexandrovsk (Yekaterinoslavsk province), 1916. 10 p.;
Shevtsov P. Belgians: the tragedy in 4 acts. Pg., 1915. 75 p.;
Guliyev M. For Freedom: from contemporary events in France: a drama in one act (Tiflis, 1915). 31 p.;
Faces of war: a collection of one-act plays (M., 1915). 76 p.;
Falyutinsky S. I. Hero of a War: a scene from nature (Pg., 1914). 7 p.;
Bernstein A. On military topics. (Under the roar of guns) (Pg., 1914). 8 p.;
Goeben L. I. I was a prisoner of war: a monologue-scene (Pg., 1914). 19 p.;
Chirikov E. N. Echo of War: Miniatures (Pg., 1914). 1 p.;
Circus Ciniselli. Heroes of the World War, or for the Tsar, his homeland and the Slavs: a grand patriotic pantomime in 3 acts, 6 scenes (Pg., 1914). 2 p.;
Tikhomirov N. M. Patriotic repertoire of N. M. Tikhomirov: [collection of poetical works] (Pg., 1914). 42 p.;
Koreshev A. F. Repertoire of duets and songs, performed at folk theater and outdoor scenes of A. F. Koreshev (Pg., 1915). 84 p.;
Kamyshnikov I. I. Collection of patriotic songs, verses of a humorist Ivan Ivanovich Kamyshnikov: for scenes (Pg., 1914). 37 p.;
The European War (historical and patriotic caricature of military way of life) (Pg., 1914). 6 p.;
Sokolsky A. K. A memory!: Couplets (Pg., 1914). 2 p.
The preparation of new materials continues.