Russian language: The Concept of Federal Target Program “Russian language” for 2016-2020

30 December 2014

By Decree of the Government of Russia the Concept of the Federal Target Program "Russian language" for 2016-2020 years is approved.

The concept was approved under the state program "Development of Education" for 2013-2020 and is aimed at implementing systemic measures on the basis of coordination of the federal authorities and the authorities of the Federation, educational, scientific, cultural, sports, non-governmental, non-governmental organizations and business-structures in the area of support and promotion of the Russian language.

In 2015, the Federal Program "Russian language" for 2011-2015 completes its action. The period of implementation of the new Program - 2016-2020 (the first stage - 2016-2018 years, the second stage - 2019-2020 years).

The first stage:

- A set of scientific and research works in the field of operation, development and study of the Russian language;

- Technical, methodological support of a single electronic educational space combining of resources for teaching the Russian language and in Russian at all levels of training;

- Training, retraining, professional development of teachers of the Russian language;

- Organizational and methodological support of Russian schools in the CIS and other foreign countries;

- Delivery of textbooks, manuals, popular science books and journals in the Russian language, literature and culture to foreign countries (Russian Center for Science and Culture, Russian schools (classes);

- The creation of conditions for full-fledged training of foreign citizens in the Russian language volumes necessary for their work in Russia;

- The creation of community access centers in Russian educational, awareness-raising and social and cultural resources on the basis of Russian science and culture centers and educational organizations in the CIS and other foreign countries.

The second stage:

- Development of human resources in the field of Russian language;

- Completion of the formation of the infrastructure system of open education in Russian and Russian language teaching;

- Providing of a wide variability of Russian language using distance education technologies;

- Expansion of the presence of the Russian language in the Internet;

-  Increase of the popularity and prestige of the Russian language and education in Russian.