Libraries of Russia: The Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library celebrates its 70th anniversary

30 December 2014

In December were held the celebrations timed to the 70th anniversary of the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library.

The decision to organize in Novgorod of the Regional Library was issued on December 29, 1944 by the Executive Committee of the Novgorod Regional Council of People's Deputies. Since that time a new story of the largest library in the Novgorod region - the historical successor to the first provincial library, opened in Novgorod in 1833, begins.

The Novgorod Regional Library started working in January 1945. In devastated after the occupation in Novgorod of the Regional Library in the Novgorod Kremlin there was a small room of eight rooms in a former Teachers College (formerly - religious school). Over the 70 years that have passed since then, the library twice moved to other rooms in the Kremlin: first in 1950 in St. John the body, then in 1958 - the building of public places where they are up to date.

Today, the State Institution of Culture "Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library" - the central library of the region with the most comprehensive in the region universal book fund (700 thousand of items), methodical, information, local history and educational center.

Among the most important events of 2014 is the beginning of the implementation of the library project "Information and Cultural Centre "Novgorodika", which became the winner of "Conservation and use of cultural heritage of Russia". As part of the project will be reorganized and equipped with modern facilities an information area in the lobby of the library, upgraded computer equipment of local history and the hall of electronic information. The multi-function large reading room provides for the establishment and equipment of video viewing area. The project aims to improve the comfort of cultural tourism information in Veliky Novgorod.