Russian regions: The new exposition “World of Penza estates: family and way of life of the XIX-XX centuries” is opening in Penza

24 December 2014

December 24, 2 104 the N. I. Ulyanov Museum in Penza hosts a new permanent exposition “World of Penza estates: family and the way of life of the XIX – XX centuries” from the collections of the Penza State Regional museum.

The exhibition tells the story of Penza families of in the XIX – early XX centuries - peasants, nobility, merchants, clergy and ranked - with their traditional way of life. The exhibition "World of Penza estates: family and the way life of the XIX - XX centuries" reveals the true family values based on national traditions.

Rich detailed clothing material, portraits, photographs, museum interiors, specially made museum equipment allow feeling the flavor of the area of the XIX-XX centuries. Here you can see a peasant hut with a stove and noble living-room, a fragment of the interior of a merchant’s house and priest’s vestment.

The exposition includes two multimedia kiosks, where is place an information, that complements and refines materials of the exhibition. It is equipped with a sound technique: the introduction with the exhibition will be accompanied with the sound of Penza songs, tunes of folk musical instruments.

The exhibition also features interactive exhibits, which can be touched.