Libraries and society: The National Library Congress – 2015 named among official events of the Year of Literature
December 18, 2014 in the Pashkov House took place the regular meeting of the Organization Committee for the Year of Literature in 2015 in the Russian Federation.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the State Duma S. E. Naryshkin said at the meeting that all events of the year of Literature should meet the scale of the problems faced by the Organizing Committee. It is about the increase of reading in the society, the support of writers and the promotion of the Russian language, the protection of its positions in the global world. The chairman of the State Duma also urged members of the Organizing Committee to consider the proposals and initiatives, coming from the community of writers.
The head of Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications M. V. Seslavinsky among the most significant events of the Year of Literature called a book festival on the Red Square, the Shukshin Days in Altai, the Crimean project “Silver Ring of Literary Russia”, as well as the National Library Congress.
State-secretary – chairman of the Minister of Culture of Russia G. P. Ivliev considers that currently the NLA is at a new level and the Congress of NLA is one of the most large scale events of the year in the field of library and culture.
The National Library Congress: the Anniversary XX Annual Conference of the RLA will be held on May 22, 2015 in the Library capital of Russia 2015 – Samara.